p If you are looking for O mundo vai girar guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play O mundo vai girar by Forfun using guitar or guitar. This song by Forfun can also be played by that instruments. =/p p O mundo vai girar guitar chords has rhythm and included in Das pistas de skate às pistas de dança (2003) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3O mundo vai girar by Forfun Guitar Chords/h3 Capo 4thbrbrbr- Intro: C G Am Fbr[C] [G] [Am] [G] [F] [G] brbrbr- Verse 1:brbr[C] Nao esqueco as ferias d[G]e veraobrque eu te [Am]vi na praia de bi[F]quini e saiabr[C]alguma coisa prendeu min[G]ha atencaobrseu ca[Am]belo dourado e o [F]olho esverdiadobr[C] aquela tarde o ceu fic[G]ou tao rosa e eu p[Am]ensei na hora[G]brvou ver o que [F]acontece[G]brbrbr- Pre-Chorus:brbr[C] eu queria era i[G]maginar se voce[Am] ia estar[G]brde noite [F]no ATL[G]brbrbr- Chorus:brbr[C] passei o d[G]ia todo re[Am]mando pro c[G]anlbr[C] se eu te encontr[G]ar a noite [Am]vai ser tao le[G]galbr[C] ja me diss[G]eram que o [Am]mundo vai g[G]irarbr[C] e eu sei que um d[G]ia isso [Am]tudo vai mu[G]dar, vai muda[C]rbrbrbr- Post-Chorus: C G Am G F Gbrbrbr- Verse 2:brbr[C] foi na praca de aliment[G]acao que eu te[Am] vi sozinha com [F]suas amigasbr[C] eu sei o meu estilo e b[G]em estranho, meia[Am] na canela e sempre [F]sem cuecabr[C]mesmo assim eu vi vo[G]ce me olhandobrtodo m[Am]undo passand[G]o e eu [F]ali parado[G]brbrbr- Pre-Chorus:brbr[C] percebi que havia a[G]lgo errado entao o[Am]lhei pro lad[G]o e vi seu[F] namorado[G]brbrbr- Chorus:brbr[C] naquele d[G]ia eu vi que as [Am]vezes me dou[G] mal (me dou mal)br[C] mas mesmo ass[G]im a noite [Am]foi muito le[G]gal (tao legal)br[C] eu sei que um d[G]ia eu vou e[Am]star no seu l[G]ugarbr[C] porque o m[G]undo nunca [Am]para de g[G]irar (de girar)brbrbrbr- Instrumental: C G Am Gbr[C] [G] [Am] [G] br[C] [G] [Am] [G] br[C] [G] [Am] [G] [F] [G] brbrbr- Chorus:brbr[C] naquele d[G]ia eu vi que as [Am]vezes me dou[G] mal (me dou mal)br[C] mas mesmo ass[G]im a noite [Am]foi muito le[G]gal (tao legal)br[C] eu sei que um d[G]ia eu vou e[Am]star no seu l[G]ugarbr[C] porque o m[G]undo nunca [Am]para de g[G]irar (vai girar)brbrbr- Ending:brbr[C] liguei pro [G]ric[Am]o e vi c[G]omo estava o marbr[C] com os meus a[G]mig[Am]os eu vou[G] viajarbr[C] de mala pro[G]nta[Am] entao ta[G] tudo bembr[C] te vejo en[G]ta[Am]o nas ferias[G] do ano que vembrbrbr- Instrumental: C G Am Gbr[C] [G] [Am] [G] p If you want to learn Forfun O mundo vai girar guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play O mundo vai girar. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Som by Obrint Pas Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Som guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Som by Obrint Pas using guitar or guitar. This song by Obrint Pas can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Som guitar chords has rhythm and included in La flama (2004) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Som by Obrint Pas Guitar Chords/h3 Intro:br[G] [D] [Em] br[C] [G] [D] br[G] [D] [Em] br[C] [D] [G] br[G]Som la c[D]anco qu[Em]e mai s´acaba,br[C]som el co[G]mbat contra l[D]'oblit,br[G]som la p[D]araula sil[Em]enciada,br[C]som la re[D]volta en u[G]n sol crit.brbr[G]Som l'espu[D]rna que enc[Em]en la flama,br[C]som la ll[G]uita que hem [D]compartit,br[G]som la p[D]edra en la[Em] barricada,br[C]som el [D]poble per [G]construir.brbrI qu[B]an la nit ens [C]ve a buscarbrsom [G]tot un mon[D] per estimar,brsom una hist[B]oria per [C]guanyar,brtot un fu[D#]tur per co[D]mencar.brbr[G]Som lla[D]grimes en l[Em]a mirada,br[C]som el co[G]ratge de s[D]eguir,br[G]som la f[D]erida mai[Em] tancada,br[C]som la h[D]istoria que [G]no han escrit.brbr[G]Som l'[D]arbre enmig de l[Em]a tempesta,br[C]som els [G]estels que vam[D] teixir,br[G]som l'es[D]peranca i l[Em]a tristesa,br[C]som el p[D]oble per c[G]onstruir.brbrI qu[B]an la nit ens [C]ve a buscarbrsom [G]tot un mon[D] per estimar,brsom una hist[B]oria per [C]guanyar,brtot un fu[D#]tur per co[D]mencar. p If you want to learn Obrint Pas Som guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Som. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Thời gian, nỗi nhớ by Thanh Trang Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Thời gian, nỗi nhớ guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Thời gian, nỗi nhớ by Thanh Trang using guitar or guitar. This song by Thanh Trang can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Thời gian, nỗi nhớ guitar chords has rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Thời gian, nỗi nhớ by Thanh Trang Guitar Chords/h3 1. Chờ khi xa [C] vắng còn nhớ [F] hay quên theo ngày [C] thángbrChờ khi xa vắng lòng có [F] quên mối duyên dở [G] dangbrDù quên hay [Dm] nhớ người bước đi là hết mong [C] chờbrDòng nước [F] trôi đã xa bến [G] bờ khi chia [G7] tay một ngày xưa [C] đó.brbr2. Một lần lưu [C] luyến cầm lấy [F] tay nói câu trìu [C] mếnbrMột lần đưa tiễn chờ tiễn [F] nhau đến nơi bình [G] yênbrRồi ngày mai [Dm] đến chợt có khi lòng bỗng ưu [C] phiềnbrNgày tháng [F] qua xót xa nỗi [G] niềm chia tay [G7] nhau rồi thôi sẽ [C] quên.brbrĐK:brChiều nay chốn phương xa một [Am] trời tuyết [F] trắngbrCòn đây gió đưa mây theo [G7] về mưa [C] giăngbrĐêm mùa đông lạnh buốt cung đànbrIm nghe lời gió canh [G7] tàn âm u như lời thở than.brbrCòn ai [C] nhớ con thuyền ngày xa bến [Em] xưabrLần chia [F] tay là lần tàn [D7] phai ước [C] mơbrKhông còn ai ngoài bến trông chờ sông trôi dòng nước lững [G] lờbrTrông [G7] ra lòng còn ngẩn ngơ.brbr3. Người khi xa [C] vắng rồi có [F] quên nhau theo ngày [C] thángbrNgười khi xa vắng rồi có [F] quên nhau theo thời [G] gianbrChuyện tình xưa [Dm] ấy tựa cánh hoa còn chút hương [C] thừabrNằm ép [F] trong nỗi riêng đến [G] giờ chưa quên [G7] đi dù không mong [C] chờ. p If you want to learn Thanh Trang Thời gian, nỗi nhớ guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Thời gian, nỗi nhớ. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Giờ th anh đ biết by Thi Thịnh Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Giờ thì anh đã biết guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Giờ thì anh đã biết by Thái Thịnh using guitar or guitar. This song by Thái Thịnh can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Giờ thì anh đã biết guitar chords has rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Giờ thì anh đã biết by Thái Thịnh Guitar Chords/h3 1. [Em] Ôi những tháng ngày hoang vắngbr[C] Anh cứ mãi chờ mong đến mỏi [D] mòn [Am]br[D] Khi đã cố tình xa lánhbrEm có biết rằng anh rất đau [G] buồn. [B7]brbr2. [Em] Tan nát hết vì em đóbr[C] Bao dối trá mà anh đã không [D] ngờbr[Am] Em rất thích làm anh nhớbr[C] Em rất thích để anh [D] sống mong [Em] chờ.brbrT-ĐK:brRồi đây cũng [Am] sẽ phôi pha theo thời [D] gianbrTình đôi ta [G] sẽ vui hơn khi lìa [B7] tanbrVì anh đã [Em] có ai kiabr[C] Muốn quên em, [Am] muốn quên đi tình yêu [B7] cũ.brbrĐK:brVậy thì mình [Em] hãy nói câu chia lìa và [C] hãy lãng quên câu thềbr[D] Mới hôm nào còn bên nhau [Em] em đã hứabrMột đời này đã trót yêu anh rồi [C] mãi mãi không xa rờibr[B7] Đó chỉ là lời gian dối [Em] thôi.brbrTình chỉ là [Em] những đắng cay ưu phiền và [C] những xót xa riêng mìnhbr[D] Đến bây giờ thì lòng anh [Em] đây đã biếtbrCòn gì là những ước mơ trong đời và [C] những phút vui bên ngườibr[B7] Đến bây giờ đành thôi lãng [Em] quên. p If you want to learn Thái Thịnh Giờ thì anh đã biết guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Giờ thì anh đã biết. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
The Last Thing on My Mind by The Seekers Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for The Last Thing on My Mind guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play The Last Thing on My Mind by The Seekers using guitar or guitar. This song by The Seekers can also be played by that instruments. =/p p The Last Thing on My Mind guitar chords has rhythm and included in Come the Day (1966) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3The Last Thing on My Mind by The Seekers Guitar Chords/h3 Album - Georgy Girl - 1966.brbrINTRO:brbr[C] [G] [C] [C] [F] [C] [F] [C] [G] [C] br#1.br[C]It's a lesson too [F]late for the [C]learnin'..br[F]made of [C]sand, [G]made of [C]sand.br[C]In the wink of an [F]eye my soul is [C]turnin'..br[F]in your [C]hand, [G]in your [C]hand.brbrCHORUS:brAre you [G]goin' away with no [F]word of [C]farewell?brWill there [Am]be not a [Em]trace left be[G]hind?brI [C]could have loved you [F]better, didn't [C]mean to be [Em]unkind..br[F]oh, you [C]know that was the [G]last thing on my [C]mind.[C][G][C]brbr#2.br[C]You had reasons a-[F]plenty for [C]goin'..br[F]this I [C]know, [G]this I [C]know.br[C]And the weeds have been [F]steadily [C]growin'..br[F]Please don't [C]go, [G]please don't [C]go.br( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/t/the_seekers/the_last_thing_on_my_mind_crd.html )brCHORUS:brAre you [G]goin' away with no [F]word of [C]farewell?brWill there [Am]be not a [Em]trace left be[G]hind?brI [C]could have loved you [F]better, didn't [C]mean to be [Em]unkind..br[F]oh, you [C]know that was the [G]last thing on my [C]mind.[C][G][C]brbr#3.br[C]As I lie in my [F]bed in the [C]mornin'..br[F]without [C]you, [G]without [C]you.br[C]Every song in my [F]heart dies a-[C]bornin'..br[F]without [C]you, [G]without [C]you.brbrCHORUS:brAre you [G]goin' away with no [F]word of [C]farewell?brWill there [Am]be not a [Em]trace left be[G]hind?brI [C]could have loved you [F]better, didn't [C]mean to be [Em]unkind..br[F]oh, you [C]know that was the [G]last thing on my [C]mind.[C][G][C]brbrOUTRO:br[F]Oh, you [C]know that was the [G]last thing on my [C]mind.[F][C][G][C]brbrA sixties smash from Kraziekhat. p If you want to learn The Seekers The Last Thing on My Mind guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play The Last Thing on My Mind. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Lỡ by Ddatj Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Lỡ guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Lỡ by Ddatj using guitar or guitar. This song by Ddatj can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Lỡ guitar chords has Blues rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Lỡ by Ddatj Guitar Chords/h3 [Am7]Nếu phải nói anh [D7]cần embr[G7]Thì anh chẳng biết [Cmaj7]phải nói ra thế nàobr[Am7]Nắng với gió như [D7]em và anhbr[G7]Yêu em là sai? [Cmaj7]Thì anh chả cần đúngbr brVì anh lỡ [Am7]yêu trọn đôi mắt, [D7]thương thầm hàng mibr[G7]Yêu trọn hương tóc, [Cmaj7]đôi bờ môi embr[Am7]Như là ngây ngất, [D7]anh chợt quên mấtbr[G7]Nhưng ý anh là, anh yêu embr brMột [Am7]tách cappucino anh chìm [D7]vào tình yêubr[G7]Mặc gió với mây mang anh đi về [Cmaj7]nơi nàobr[Am7]Chỉ muốn nói ra tâm tư anh hằng [D7]cât giữbrNhư ngàn [G7]khúc ca vang lên khi hoàng hôn [Cmaj7]xuốngbr brVì anh lỡ [Am7]yêu trọn đôi mắt, [D7]thương thầm hàng mibr[G7]Yêu trọn hương tóc, [Cmaj7]đôi bờ môi embr[Am7]Như là ngây ngất, [D7]anh chợt quên mấtbr[G7]Nhưng ý anh là, anh yêu embr brMột [Am7]tách cappucino anh chìm [D7]vào tình yêubr[G7]Mặc gió với mây mang anh đi về [Cmaj7]nơi nàobr[Am7]Chỉ muốn nói ra tâm tư anh hằng [D7]cât giữbrNhư ngàn [G7]khúc ca vang lên khi hoàng hôn [Cmaj7]xuốngbr brTadadadadadadadada~br[Am7] [D7] [G7] [Cmaj7]x2br brVà nếu nơi trái tim em thuộc về ai kiabrHay nhớ vẫn có anh luôn đợi chờ...br brMột [Am7]tách cappucino anh chìm [D7]vào tình yêubr[G7]Mặc gió với mây mang anh đi về [Cmaj7]nơi nàobr[Am7]Chỉ muốn nói ra tâm tư anh hằng [D7]cât giữbrNhư ngàn [G7]khúc ca vang lên khi hoàng hôn [Cmaj7]xuốngbr br[Am7]Chỉ muốn nói ra tâm tư anh hằng [D7]cât giữbrNhư ngàn [G7]khúc ca vang lên khi hoàng hôn [Cmaj7]xuống p If you want to learn Ddatj Lỡ guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Lỡ. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Vng k ức by Chillies Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Vùng ký ức guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Vùng ký ức by Chillies using guitar or guitar. This song by Chillies can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Vùng ký ức guitar chords has Ballade rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Vùng ký ức by Chillies Guitar Chords/h3 Verse 1:br[G]...Trên phím đàn, em bỏ lại ngày [C]tháng bạc màubrEm bỏ lại nỗi [Am]nhớ ngày đầubrEm quay mặt câu [D]nói đừng đibr[G]...Thêm chút đường ly đen dường như [C]chẳng dịu lạibrNhững cung đàn đã [Am]hóa khờ dạibrChênh vênh một mình [D]giữa tay aibr brĐK:brVùng ký ức xưa ta [G]còn nhau, còn đâu em hỡibrNhiều lần đã cố gắng quên đi [Em]dù cho tình mình đã [D]vỡ đôibrEm tiếc nuối [C]thêm làm chi còn lại những [G]giọt buồn trên mibrmà [Am]những thanh âm kia cũng hoen [D]đibr brNhìn lại vùng ký ức ta trao [G]về em một ngày đầy nắngbrNụ cười người mỗi lúc như tan [Em]vào đêm một ngày người [D]ghé thămbrVà ngày mai nắng [C]như nhạt hơn và ta thức [G]dậy như đã lỡbrThôi [Am]giấc mơ trôi đi, em [D]có quên đôi khi một [A#]maibr[Gm] [D#] [F]br br/ Lên 1 tông rưỡi /br[A#]Ta lỡ hẹn, ánh mặt trời trên [D#]nóc tòa nhàbrQuay sang mình như [Cm]hai người lạbrĐưa tay chào nhau [F]cuối sân ga [D]br brĐK:brVùng ký ức xưa ta [G]còn nhau còn đâu em hỡibrNhiều lần đã cố gắng quên đi [Em]dù cho tình mình đã [D]vỡ đôibrEm tiếc nuối [C]thêm làm chi còn lại những [G]giọt buồn trên mi màbr[Am]những thanh âm kia cũng hoen [D]đibr brNhìn lại vùng ký ức ta trao [G]về em một ngày đầy nắngbrNụ cười người mỗi lúc như tan [Em]vào đêm một ngày người [D]ghé thămbrVà ngày mai nắng [C]như nhạt hơn và ta thức [G]dậy như đã lỡbrThôi [Am]giấc mơ trôi đi em [D]có quên đôi khi một [C]mai [G] [C] [D]brVùng ký ức xưa ta [G]còn nhaubr br/ Lên 1 tông /brVùng ký ức xưa ta [A]còn nhau còn đâu em hỡibrNhiều lần đã cố gắng quên đi [F#m]dù cho tình mình đã [E]vỡ đôibrEm tiếc nuối [D]thêm làm chi còn lại những [A]giọt buồn trên mibrmà [Bm]những thanh âm kia cũng hoen [E]đibr brGửi lại vùng ký ức ta trao [A]về em một ngày đầy nắngbrNụ cười người mỗi lúc như tan [F#m]vào đêm một ngày người [E]ghé thămbrVà ngày mai nắng [D]như nhạt hơn và ta thức [A]dậy như đã lỡbrThôi [Bm]giấc mơ trôi đi em [E]có quên đôi khi một mai [A] p If you want to learn Chillies Vùng ký ức guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Vùng ký ức. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Gi từ cơn m by Thi Thịnh Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Giã từ cơn mê guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Giã từ cơn mê by Thái Thịnh using guitar or guitar. This song by Thái Thịnh can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Giã từ cơn mê guitar chords has rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Giã từ cơn mê by Thái Thịnh Guitar Chords/h3 1. [Dm] Ngày tháng cứ trôi hoài trôi mãibrNào ai [C] biết ra sao trong ngày maibr[Bb] Ðời sống ngỡ cơn mộng đêm dàibrXua đám [Am] đông đua chen nhau miệt mài.br br2. [Dm] Rồi đến lúc ân tình tàn phaibrĐời hoang [C] vắng khi quanh ta không còn aibr[Bb] Chợt thấy trái tim mình u hoàibrXác [Dm] thân hao gầy.br brVề trong [Gm] cô đơn mang vết [Am] đau kín tâm hồnbrCuộc vui [Gm] đêm thâu ôi còn [C] đâu.br brĐK:brGiờ đây [Bb] thôi ta xa nhau, ta xa nhaubrTa xa nhau dẫu cho buồn [Am] đaubrNgày hôm [Bb] qua thôi quên đibrĐừng tìm [C] đến cho nhau thêm những ưu [Dm] phiền.br brGiờ đây [Bb] thôi ta xa nhau, ta xa nhaubrTa xa nhau có gì vui [Am] đâubrNgày hôm [Bb] qua thôi quên đibrĐừng về [Am] nữa cho ta qua cơn mộng [Dm] xưa. p If you want to learn Thái Thịnh Giã từ cơn mê guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Giã từ cơn mê. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Gỡ Rối by Đng Nhi Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Gỡ Rối guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Gỡ Rối by Đông Nhi using guitar or guitar. This song by Đông Nhi can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Gỡ Rối guitar chords has Ballade rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Gỡ Rối by Đông Nhi Guitar Chords/h3 Nhìn vào đôi [Am]mắt để thấy sâu tận trái [G]tim chân thànhbrCho [F]dẫu năm tháng có lướt qua thật [G]maubrVà ở nơi [Am]đó, ta sẽ vẽ những bức [G]tranh sắc màubrLà [F]những ước muốn của thuở tuổi mộng [G]mơbr brOh oh oh [Am]oh oh oh oh [G]oh …brKhông dắn đo và [F]nghi ngại nơi ta bước [G]quabrOh oh oh [Am]oh oh oh oh [G]oh …brQuên hết ta từng [F]u sầu, niềm vui lại [G]bắt đầubr brNgày mai sẽ [Am]vẫn vẫy, vẫn vẫy tay chàobr[G]Để đón nắng ngọt ngàobr[F]Cho dù bao nhiêu khốn [E7]khóbrCùng nhau ta [Am]viết tiếp những khúc ca nàybr[G]Yêu thương mãi dâng đầybr[F]Do do do do do …brYes, we [E7]do do do do do …br brCùng nhau chia [Am]sớt những khoảnh khắc vui buồnbr[G]Phút yếu đuối rối bờibr[F]Cứ cười và tôi sẽ [G]tớibrBàn chân ta [Am]bước để thấy những con đườngbr[G]Có ánh sáng rọi bầu [F]trời thanh xuânbr[G]Cùng ăn tối và gỡ rối p If you want to learn Đông Nhi Gỡ Rối guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Gỡ Rối. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
San Jose by Audio Karate Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for San Jose guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play San Jose by Audio Karate using guitar or guitar. This song by Audio Karate can also be played by that instruments. =/p p San Jose guitar chords has rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3San Jose by Audio Karate Guitar Chords/h3 Chords Used:br[C] [A] [G] [F] [E] [D] brbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|-5--------------7----------------------------------------------------------|brD|-5--7--5--3--2--7----------------------------------------------------------|brA|-3--7--5--3--2--5----------------------------------------------------------|brE|----5--3--1--0-------------------------------------------------------------|brbrbrIntro: Guitar 1(Fast Picking, I don't know all of it)brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------------------------------------------------------|brD|5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------------------------------------------------------|brA|3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3----------------------------------------------------------|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brbrbrIntro Cont'd: Guitar 1brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-------------------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7----|brD|5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7----|brA|3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----|brE|------------------------5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------------------------|brbrbrIntro Cont'd: Guitar 1brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|------------------------5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------------------------|brD|5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7----|brA|5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7----|brE|3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-------------------------5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----|brbrbrIntro Cont'd: Guitar 1brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brD|3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-5~-------------------------------------------------|brA|3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-5~-------------------------------------------------|brE|1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3~-------------------------------------------------|brbrbrIntro Cont'd: Guitar 2 (You find where it fits in)brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|10-10-10-10-10-10-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--7-9-10-12-12-12-12-12-12----|brD|-x--x--x--x--x--x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x--x-x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x----|brA|-8--8--8--8--8--8-7-7-7-7-7-7-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--5-7--8-10-10-10-10-10-10----|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brbrbrIntro Cont'd: Guitar 2brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|9-9-9-9-9-9-14-14-14-14-14-14-9-9-9-9-9-9-10-9-5-9-7~----------------------|brD|x-x-x-x-x-x--x--x--x--x--x--x-x-x-x-x-x-x--x-x-x-x-x-----------------------|brA|7-7-7-7-7-7-12-12-12-12-12-12-7-7-7-7-7-7--8-7-3-7-5~----------------------|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brbrbrVerse: Both GuitarsbrSo darling for once please get [A]clean for mebr[D]Nothing else left I can [G]saybrWhen I re[C]fuse to say words that won't [A]break through youbrDe[F]ny when you see mebrL[G]ie when you tell me I'm[C] wrongbrIt seems good and f[A]ine to youbr[D]Drugs that you're doing are [G]badbrAnd I w[C]ish it was easier for [A]me to saybr[F]Please girl stop usingbr[G]Don't run away, run a[A]longbrbrChorus: Guitar 1brTo a world that won't l[F]ie to youbr[C]Trust you and get d[E]rawn into your e[A]yesbrThere are places that t[D]ake you inbrIt's [F]not some drug rehabbrIt's w[G]hat I've been trying to [C]saybrbrVerse: Both GuitarsbrThis world has lost f[A]aith in youbrFor the [D]promises that you have [G]madebrAnd t[C]here's still a place that bel[A]ieves in youbrJ[F]ust close your eyesbrMake bel[G]ieve that this world will come[C] truebrThe pain that you f[A]eel is gonebrV[D]ices in life fade a[G]waybrAnd t[C]here's no more painbrNo more d[A]rugs no more liesbr[F]No need to worry cuz I[G]'m standing here by your s[A]idebrbrChorus: Both GuitarsbrWhere no harm will c[F]ome to youbr[C]Don't you see your t[E]rust is safe with [A]mebrOf course you must g[D]et here firstbrNo n[F]eed for directionbrAl[G]low me to show you the [C]waybrD F and F octavebrDo you know the way to San JosebrLet me show you the w[C]aybrD F and F octavebrDo you know where to turn when you do wrongbrThat's why I'm singing this s[C]ongbrbrRepeat IntrobrbrSolo: Guitar 1(Strum each chord 12x) (2x)br[C] [-] [A] [-] [D] [-] [G] brSolo: Guitar 2brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|----5-6-8-6-5-----------------5---5----5-6-8-6-5-----5-5h6h8-5h6h8---------|brG|5-------------7-5-5/7-----------5---5------------7-5-----------------------|brD|--5-------------------7--9--5----------------------------------------------|brA|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brbrbrSolo Cont'd: Guitar 2brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|5h7h8-5h7h8----------------------------------------------------------------|brD|------------7h9h10-7h9h10-7h9h10-7h9h10--5~--------------------------------|brA|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brbrbrRepeat ChorusbrbrEnding: Guitar 1brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|------------------------10-10-10-10-10-10-12-12-12-12-12-12-14-14-14-14-14-|brD|3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x-|brA|3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--8--8--8--8--8--8-10-10-10-10-10-10-12-12-12-12-12-|brE|1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1----------------------------------------------------|brbrbrEnding Cont'd: Guitar 1brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|14-16-16-16-16-16-16-17-17-17-17-17----------------------------------------|brD|-x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x----------------------------------------|brA|12-14-14-14-14-14-14-15-15-15-15-15----------------------------------------|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brbrbrEnding: Guitar 2 (Play this and then do what Guitar 1 does)brbrbre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|----5-6-8-6-5--------------------------------------------------------------|brG|5-------------7-5----------------------------------------------------------|brD|--5------------------------------------------------------------------------|brA|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|br p If you want to learn Audio Karate San Jose guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play San Jose. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
When the Darkness Takes You by Hangar Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for When the Darkness Takes You guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play When the Darkness Takes You by Hangar using guitar or guitar. This song by Hangar can also be played by that instruments. =/p p When the Darkness Takes You guitar chords has rhythm and included in Other Songs album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3When the Darkness Takes You by Hangar Guitar Chords/h3 www.hangar.mus.brbrbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SbrbrbrD#||----------------------------------|----------------------------------|brA#||----------------------------------|----------------------------------|brF#||----------------------------------|----------------------------------|brC#||----------------------------------|----------------------------------|brG#||--4-2-0-------4-2-0-------4-2-----|--4-2-0-------4-2-0-------4-2-----|brD#||--------4-3-2-------4-3-2-----4-2-|--------4-3-2-------4-3-2-----4-2-|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrQ Q Q Q E E E E E E E Ebrbrbr----------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------|--------------------7--7--|br------------2----5----|--5--5--7--7--9--9--------|br--3----5--------------|--------------------------|brbrbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br--4-2-0-------4-2-0-------4-2-----|--4-2-0-------4-2-0-------4-2-----|br--------4-3-2-------4-3-2-----4-2-|--------4-3-2-------4-3-2-----4-2-|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------2--2--2--2--5--5--5--5--|br--3--3--3--3--5--5--5--5--------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--7--7--|br--5--5--5--5--7--7--7--7--9--9--9--9--------------|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br--4-2-0-------4-2-0-------4-2-----|--4-2-0-------4-2-0-------4-2-----|br--------4-3-2-------4-3-2-----4-2-|--------4-3-2-------4-3-2-----4-2-|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------2--2--2--2--5--5--5--5--|br--3--3--3--3--5--5--5--5--------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S E E E E E E E E E E E Ebrbrbr--------------------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------------------|--------------------------|br--5--5--5--5--7--7--7--7--9-----------|--------------------------|br-----------------------------------0--|--L--1--2--0--1--2--0--1--|brbrbr[E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] brbr--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------2--1--0-----|--------------------------|br--2--0--1--2-----------0--|--L--1--2--0--1--2--0--1--|brbrbr[E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] brbr--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------2--1--0-----|--------------------------|br--2--0--1--2-----------0--|--L--1--2--0--1--2--0--1--|brbrbrE E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E H.brbrbr--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------|br--------------2--1--0-----|--------------------------|---------------------|br--2--0--1--2-----------0--|--L--1--2--0--1--2--0--1--|--2------------------|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Qbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1-0--4--2----|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Qbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1-0--4--2----|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Qbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1-0--4--2----|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Q Wbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|--4----------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|--4----------------|br----------------------------|---------------4--2-------|--2----------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1-------5----|-------------------|br|----3----| |----3----| |----3----| brbrW H Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Qbrbrbr-------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br-------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br--L----------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br--L----------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br--L----------------|--------------------------|--2-----------------------------|br-------------------|--2--------2----4----5----|-------5----4----5----4----0----|brbrbrW Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|br-------------------|-------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------2--2--2--2--5--5--5--5--|br--3--3--3--3--5--5--5--5--------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S E E Q S S S S E E E E E Ebrbrbr-------------------------------------|----------------------------|br-------------------------------------|----------------------------|br-------------------------------------|----------------------------|br-------------------------------------|----------------------------|br--5--5--5--5--7--7--7--7--9----------|----------------------------|br-------------------------------------|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|brbrbrE E E E E E E E S S S S E E E E E Ebrbrbr--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--L--4--L--2--0--4--2-----|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|brbrbrE E E E E E E E S S S S E E E E E Ebrbrbr--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--L--4--L--2--0--4--2-----|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|brbrbrE E E E E E E E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------|----------------------------------|br--------------------------|--5-3-----------------------------|br--------------------------|------6-4-2-----------------------|br--------------------------|------------6-4-2-----------------|br--------------------------|------------------5-4-2-----------|br--L--4--L--2--0--4--2-----|------------------------5-4-0-2-4-|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Qbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1-0--4--2----|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Qbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1-0--4--2----|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Qbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1-0--4--2----|brbrbrS S S S E E E E E E E E E S S E E Q Wbrbrbr----------------------------|--------------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|--4----------------|br----------------------------|--------------------------|--4----------------|br----------------------------|---------------4--2--0----|--2----------------|br--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|--L--4--L--2-1------------|-------------------|br|----3----| |----3----| |----3----| brbrW H Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Qbrbrbr-------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br-------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br--L----------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br--L----------------|--------------------------|--------------------------------|br--L----------------|--------------------------|--2-----------------------------|br-------------------|--2--------2----4----5----|-------5----4----5----4----0----|brbrbrW W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|--6----------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|-------------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|--4----------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrH H S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------|--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------|--------------------------------------------------|br--7--------9--------|--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------|--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--5--------7--------|--5--5--5--5--5--5--9--9--9--9--5--5--------5--5--|br--------------------|--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--5--5--5--5--5--5--9--9--9--9--5--5--------5--5--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--4--4--4--4--4--4--7--7--7--7--4--4--------4--4--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--4--4--4--4--4--4--7--7--7--7--4--4--------4--4--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------5--5--------|br--3--3--3--3--3--3--7--7--7--7--3--3--------3--3--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Wbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------5--5--------|--5----------------|br--3--3--3--3--3--3--7--7--7--7--3--3--------3--3--|--5----------------|br--------------------------------------------------|--3----------------|brbrbrTP TPbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--2----------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--2----------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--0----------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|--0----------------|--L----------------|--3----------------|brbrbrTP TPbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|--2----------------|--L----------------|--3----------------|br--L----------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|brbrbrH Q S S E H Q E E H E E E S Sbrbrbr-----------------------|--------------------------|-------------------------|br-----------------------|--------------------------|-------------------------|br------------------x-5--|--7b--------L----(7)p--5--|--7--------L--7--5--7p-5-|br----------------7-L----|--------------------------|-------------------------|br--L---------------x----|--------------------------|-------------------------|br-----------------------|--------------------------|-------------------------|brbrbrH E E E E H Q E E Q E E Hbrbrbr--------------------------|----------------------|-----------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------|----------5b--L--------|br--4--------L--4pbr--L--2--|--1--------L----1--2--|--3----L---------------|br--------------------------|----------------------|-----------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------|-----------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------|-----------------------|brbrbrQ. Q E E E Q E E H H Q Qbrbrbr--------------------------|-----------------------|---------------------|br--L------5pbr----3--------|----------3b--L--------|--L--------L----1----|br--------------------5--3--|--2----L---------------|---------------------|br--------------------------|-----------------------|---------------------|br--------------------------|-----------------------|---------------------|br--------------------------|-----------------------|---------------------|brbrbrH Q E E H E S S E Ebrbrbr------------------------|--------------------------|br--3g4--------L----4--6--|--8--------L--6h-8p-6-----|br------------------------|-----------------------8--|br------------------------|--------------------------|br------------------------|--------------------------|br------------------------|--------------------------|brbrbrH S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr-----------14p-10----10--------------|----------------------------------------|br------------------13----10h-13----10-|----------------------------------------|br--7----------------------------11----|--7h-11----7----------------------------|br-------------------------------------|--------10---7h-10---7------------------|br-------------------------------------|-------------------9---5h-9---5---------|br-------------------------------------|----------------------------8---5-8-5-3-|brbrbrT T T Tbrbrbr|---3---| |---3---| |---3---| |---3---| brbr[E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] brbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------12p--5h--7--------------|br--------------12p--5h--7--------------12p--5h--7--|br--12p--5h--7--------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrT T T Tbrbrbr|---3---| |---3---| |---3---| |---3---| brbr[E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] brbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------12p--5h--8--------------12p--5h--8--|br--12p--5h--7--------------12p--5h--7--------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrT T T Tbrbrbr|---3---| |---3---| |---3---| |----3----| brbr[E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] brbr--12p--5h--7--------------12p--5h--7--17p--12h--15--|br--------------12p--5h--8----------------------------|br----------------------------------------------------|br----------------------------------------------------|br----------------------------------------------------|br----------------------------------------------------|brbrbrtr tr trbrQ Q Q H. Qbrbrbr--12(12)----13(12)----15(13)----|--17b~------------14----|br--------------------------------|------------------------|br--------------------------------|------------------------|br--------------------------------|------------------------|br--------------------------------|------------------------|br--------------------------------|------------------------|brbrbrWbrbrbr--17b~----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|br----------------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|br----------------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|br----------------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|br----------------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|br----------------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|brbrbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--0----------------|--L----------------|--3----------------|--L----------------|brbrbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|--3----------------|--L----------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|brbrbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--0----------------|--L----------------|--3----------------|--L----------------|brbrbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--4----------------|--L----------------|--5----------------|--L----------------|br--2----------------|--L----------------|--3----------------|--L----------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q E E E E E E E Ebrbrbr----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------|br----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------|br--5----5----5----5----|--5----5----5----5----|--7--7--7--7--7--7--7--7--|br--5----5----5----5----|--5----5----5----5----|--7--7--7--7--7--7--7--7--|br--3----3----3----3----|--3----3----3----3----|--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--|brbrbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|br--------------------------7-7-----|--------------------------7-7-----|br--5-5-5-5-5-5-9-9-9-9-5-5-----5-5-|--5-5-5-5-5-5-9-9-9-9-5-5-----5-5-|br----------------------------------|----------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--4--4--4--4--4--4--7--7--7--7--4--4--------4--4--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--4--4--4--4--4--4--7--7--7--7--4--4--------4--4--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------5--5--------|br--3--3--3--3--3--3--7--7--7--7--3--3--------3--3--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Wbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------5--5--------|--5----------------|br--3--3--3--3--3--3--7--7--7--7--3--3--------3--3--|--5----------------|br--------------------------------------------------|--3----------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrW S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr-------------------|--------------------------------------------------|br-------------------|--------------------------------------------------|br--2----------------|--------------------------------------------------|br--2----------------|--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--0----------------|--5--5--5--5--5--5--9--9--9--9--5--5--------5--5--|br-------------------|--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--5--5--5--5--5--5--9--9--9--9--5--5--------5--5--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--4--4--4--4--4--4--7--7--7--7--4--4--------4--4--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------7--7--------|br--4--4--4--4--4--4--7--7--7--7--4--4--------4--4--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|br--------------------------------------5--5--------|br--3--3--3--3--3--3--7--7--7--7--3--3--------3--3--|br--------------------------------------------------|brbrbrPM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PMbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Wbrbrbr--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------------------|-------------------|br--------------------------------------5--5--------|--5----------------|br--3--3--3--3--3--3--7--7--7--7--3--3--------3--3--|--5----------------|br--------------------------------------------------|--3----------------|brbrbrW S S S S E E S S S S S S Ebrbrbr-------------------|-------------------------------|br-------------------|-------------------------------|br--2----------------|-------------------------------|br--2----------------|-------------------------------|br--0----------------|----------4--5--------------5--|br-------------------|--7-7-7-7-------7-7-7-7-7-7----|brbrbrS S E S S S S E E E S S S S S S E E S S S S S S Ebrbrbr------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------4-------------4---------|-------------------------------|br--7-7----7-7-7-7-5-----7--7-7-|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2-2-2-2-2-2-5--|brbrbrS S E S S S S E E E S S S S S S E E S S S S S S Ebrbrbr------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br--2-2-4--2-2-2-2-0--4--2--2-2-|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2-2-2-2-2-2-5--|brbrbrS S E S S S S E E E S S S S S S E E S S S S S S Ebrbrbr------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br--2-2-4--2-2-2-2-0--4--2--2-2-|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2-2-2-2-2-2-5--|brbrbrS S E S S S S E E E S S S S S S E E S S S S S S Ebrbrbr------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br------------------------------|-------------------------------|br--2-2-4--2-2-2-2-0--4--2--2-2-|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2-2-2-2-2-2-5--|brbrbrTPbrS S E S S E E E E E W Wbrbrbr----------------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br----------------------------|--2----------------|--L----------------|br--2-2-4--2-2-2--0--4--2--0--|-------------------|-------------------|brbrbrTP TPbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--0----------------|--L----------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|--2----------------|--L----------------|brbrbrTP TPbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|--2----------------|--L----------------|br--3----------------|--L----------------|-------------------|-------------------|brbrbrTP TPbrW W W Wbrbrbr-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br--0----------------|--L----------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|br-------------------|-------------------|--2----------------|--L----------------|brbrbrTPbrW H E E E E E E E E E E E Ebrbrbr-------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|br-------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|br-------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|br-------------------|-----------------------|--------------------------|br-------------------|-----------2--1--0-----|--------------------------|br--3----------------|--L-----------------0--|--L--1--2--0--1--2--0--1--|brbrbr[E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] brbr--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------------------|--------------------------|br--------------2--1--0-----|--------------------------|br--2--0--1--2-----------0--|--L--1--2--0--1--2--0--1--|brbrbrE E E E E E E E S S S S E E E E E Ebrbrbr--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------2--1--0-----|----------------------------|br--2--0--1--2--------------|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|brbrbrE E E E E E E E S S S S E E E E E Ebrbrbr--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--------------------------|----------------------------|br--L--4--L--2--0--4--2-----|--2-2-2-2-4--5--2--2--2--5--|brbrbrE E E E E E E E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Sbrbrbr--------------------------|----------------------------------|br--------------------------|--5-3-----------------------------|br--------------------------|------6-4-2-----------2-----------|br--------------------------|------------6-4-2-4-6---6-4-2-----|br--------------------------|------------------------------5-4-|br--L--4--L--2--0--4--2-----|----------------------------------|brbrbrS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S E E H.brbrbr----------------------------------|---------------------||br----------------------------------|---------------------||br----------------------------------|---------------------||br--------2-------------------------|---------------------||br--2-4-5---5-4-2-----------2-------|---------------------||br----------------5-4-2-4-5---5-4-0-|--2------------------||br p If you want to learn Hangar When the Darkness Takes You guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play When the Darkness Takes You. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Bởi tin lời thề by Thi Khang Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Bởi tin lời thề guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Bởi tin lời thề by Thái Khang using guitar or guitar. This song by Thái Khang can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Bởi tin lời thề guitar chords has Slow Rock rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Bởi tin lời thề by Thái Khang Guitar Chords/h3 Về đâu [G] khi tình yêu như giấc [Bm] mộng giữa màn đêmbrVề đâu [Em] khi người đành quay [Bm] gótbrVề đâu [Am] khi người buôn những lời chua [Bm] chátbrKhó nghe [C] khi người đan tâm xóa đi bao kỉ [D] niệmbrbrTình đầu [G] ai mà không gian dở [Bm] mộng đẹp thần tiênbrTình đầu [Em] ai mà không hối [Bm] tiếcbrVậy mà [Am] em vội quên bao lời hẹn [Bm] ướcbrĐể con tim [C] khờ tôi đang chết [D] trong từng [Em] ngàybr[C] [D] [Em]brbrĐK:brNgày [Em] xưa em thề làm chibrNgày [G] xưa em thề làm gìbrNgày [D] xưa không yêu người tôi đâu phải [Em] đâu như ngày naybrMà [Am] tôi yêu em nào haybrMà tôi yêu em nào [Bm] biết trái tim tôi như người [C] điên biết [B7] khócbrbrLòng [Em] tôi đau trăm lần đaubrNgười [G] đi quên biệt lời thềbrGiờ [D] em đang vui cùng ai em có [Em] hay cho tình tôibrNgày [Am] xưa chưa yêu vội tinbrBờ môi em ngọt những tiếng tình bên [Bm] taibrBởi [D] quá tin [B] lời gian [Em] dối p If you want to learn Thái Khang Bởi tin lời thề guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Bởi tin lời thề. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
What's Going On by Taste Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for What's Going On guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play What's Going On by Taste using guitar or guitar. This song by Taste can also be played by that instruments. =/p p What's Going On guitar chords has rhythm and included in On the Boards (1970) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3What's Going On by Taste Guitar Chords/h3 Rory Gallagher / Taste - What's Going OnbrbrOn the boards (1970)brbrh hammer onbrp pull offbrlet ring ~ hold the notebr:| repeatbrbrIn this song licks and riffs often repeat during it and are sometimes played onlybrslightly different.brIf you are an more experienced guitarist or don't have much time just leave out the explanations.brbrThe Intro:brbrIn riff 1 you hold the 3(B string) and the 2(G string) with yourbrringfinger and your forefinger. with your middlefinger you do the hammer ons andbrpull offs (D string). you play the short riff 4 times then you play 2 times the D powerbrchord ( D5).brYou repeat this order 3 times. Then you play Lick 1 (practice!) and end it with a D chord.brListen to the song to get the right timing/rhythm/feeling...brRiff 1 D5 Lick 1 DbrbrprebrE|----------------------------------------[3x]|------------------------2-----------------|brB|---3 let ring----------------------3--3----o|------------------------3-----------------|brG|---2 let ring---play this 4times---2--2-----|--0-h2-p0---------------2-----------------|brD|---0-h2-p0-0-----------------------0--0-----|----------3-2-h3-p2-----0-----------------|brA|-------------------------------------------o|--------------------3---------------------|brE|--------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------|br/prebrbrVerse:brbrThe verse begins with Whats goin.... Guitar starts as Rory(or you) sings on.brYou play D , then A5(power chord A5) , then Lick 2, then A5, then Lick 1 and D.brYou repeat this then you play Lick 1 and D, then Lick 1 but instead of D you begin withbrthe Bridge immediately.brIf you know the song you won't have too many problems to memorize the order.brAnd listen to the song to get the rhythm of the D and the A5 chords.brD A5 Lick 2 A5 Lick 1 DbrbrprebrE|--2--2--2-2--2-------------------------------------------------------------2--[2x]|brB|--3--3--3-3--3---------------0-h2-p0---------------------------------------3-----o|brG|--2--2--2-2--2---2--2--2-2---------------2--2--2--2-2--0-h2-p0-------------2------|brD|--0--0--0-0--0---2--2--2-2-----------3---2--0--0--0-0----------3-2-h3-p2---0------|brA|-----------------0--0--0-0---------------0--0--0--0-0--------------------3-------o|brE|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|br/prebrLick1 + D , Lick 1 +...brbrBridge:brbrThe Bridge consists of 3 chords : Bb , C and D. You play these 3 Chords in sequence 4brtimes .brThe first 2 times you only play some notes of the chords (Apreggio-like),brafter this you strum the whole chords or parts of them. Listen to the song and read the tabbrto know what i mean. In this case the tab is only a rough suggestion of how the rhythmbris played.brAfter the bridge the solo starts.brbrbr[Bb] [C] [D] [Bb] [C] [D] [Bb] [C] [D] brprebrE|------------------------7--[2x]|-1-------3--3-------7-----7-7----1-------3-------5--------|brB|---3--------5------7---7-7----o|-3---3---5--5--5--7-7-----7-7----3-------5-------7--------|brG|------3------5-5----7-7---7----|-3---3---5--5--5--7-7-7-7-7-7----3-------5-------7--------|brD|--------------5------7---------|-3---3---5----5---7---7-7--------3-------5-------7--------|brA|-1---------3------5-----------o|-1-------3----3---5-----5--------1-------3-------5--------|brE|-------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|br/prebrbrbrSolo:brbrRory plays the solo over the Bridge chords (Bb, C, D ). It would take me too long to tabbrthe wholebrsolo, so just improvise or play the rhythm! The solo ends with a different riff (Bb5,brC5, F5, E5, D5)brplayed by the solo guitar too.brbrSolo: the key is Dm!brbrRhythm(Bridge chords): Bb C D (D) repeat 8 timesbrbrSolo-ending Riff:brbr[Bb5] [C5] [F5] [E5] [D5] [Bb5] [C5] [F5] [E5] [D5] brprebrE|-------------------------[2x]|-------------------------------------------|brB|----------------------------o|-------------------------------------------|brG|-3--3--5--10-9-7--7--7-7--7--|-3--3--5--10-9-7 let ring------------------|brD|-3--3--5--10-9-7--7--7-7--7--|-3--3--5--10-9-7 let ring------------------|brA|-1--1--3-- 8-7-5--5--5-5--5-o|-1--1--3-- 8-7-5 let ring------------------|brE|-----------------------------|-------------------------------------------|br/prebrbrbrIntro:brRiff 1 D5 Lick 1 DbrbrprebrE|----------------------------------------[3x]|------------------------2--------------|brB|---3 let ring----------------------3--3----o|------------------------3--------------|brG|---2 let ring---play this 4times---2--2-----|--0-h2-p0---------------2--------------|brD|---0-h2-p0-0-----------------------0--0-----|----------3-2-h3-p2-----0--------------|brA|-------------------------------------------o|--------------------3------------------|brE|--------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|br/prebrbrbrVerse:brD A5 Lick 2 A5 Lick 1 DbrbrprebrE|--2--2--2-2--2-------------------------------------------------------------2--[2x]|brB|--3--3--3-3--3---------------0-h2-p0---------------------------------------3-----o|brG|--2--2--2-2--2---2--2--2-2---------------2--2--2--2-2--0-h2-p0-------------2------|brD|--0--0--0-0--0---2--2--2-2-----------3---2--0--0--0-0----------3-2-h3-p2---0------|brA|-----------------0--0--0-0---------------0--0--0--0-0--------------------3-------o|brE|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|br/prebrLick1 + D , Lick 1 +...brbrOutro:brLike the bridge the outro starts immediately with Bb, but then you play Lick 1 again andbrplay immediately after this C (3rd fret, see Bridge) and the same with D (5th fret, see Bridge)brbr...Bb, Lick 1 + C, Lick 1 + D let ringbrbrThats the song. Here an overview:brbrIntrobrVerse 2xbrBridge 4xbrSolo (Bridge Chords) 8xbr+ Solo ending-riff 3xbrIntrobrVerse 2xbrOutrobrbr______________brEnjoy!brH.B. p If you want to learn Taste What's Going On guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play What's Going On. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Đợi Chờ Một Tnh Yu by V.Music Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu by V.Music using guitar or guitar. This song by V.Music can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu guitar chords has Ballade rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu by V.Music Guitar Chords/h3 Từng ngày thật [Am]dài mãi nhớ hình dung [C]một ngườibrKhi môi nàng [G]cười đẹp tựa ngàn [F]sao rơibrLặng thầm lặng [Am]thầm cố giữ bình yên [C]về ngườibrKhông cho muộn [G]phiền đến bên [F]embrBiết một [Am]ngày anh biết một [Em]ngàybrRồi em [F]sẽ hiểu cho [C]lòng anhbrHiểu rằng [Am]tình anh rất chân [Em]thànhbrRồi sẽ cùng [F]anh đi qua ngàn sóng [G]gióbrĐK:brNhiều đêm trong [Am]anh luôn suy tư [Em]anh tự hỏi bao giờbrNgười sẽ [F]hiểu cho anh và bên [C]anhbrVì anh đã yêu [Dm7]em vì anh đã thương [Em]em rồibrMột tình [B]yêu không phôi phai [E]với thời gianbrVà hôm nay như [Am]anh luôn mong em đã [Em]hiểu ra rằngbrRằng lòng [F]này yêu em nhiều [C]biết mấybrRồi tình đến dịu [Dm7]dàng rồi hạnh phúc đã [C]mỉm cườibr[F]Và tình yêu [G]chỉ dành cho ai luôn [Am]yêu chân thành p If you want to learn V.Music Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
Thư Tnh Của Chng Ca Sĩ by Chu Tam Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Thư Tình Của Chàng Ca Sĩ guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Thư Tình Của Chàng Ca Sĩ by Chu Tam using guitar or guitar. This song by Chu Tam can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Thư Tình Của Chàng Ca Sĩ guitar chords has Rhumba rhythm and included in album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Thư Tình Của Chàng Ca Sĩ by Chu Tam Guitar Chords/h3 [G]Zhè èrshí duō nián láibr[D]Wǒ yīzhí zài chànggēbr[C]Chànggē gěi wǒ de [D]xīnshàngrén [G]tīng abr[C]Zhège xīnshàngrénbr[Bm]Hái bù zhīdào zài nǎlǐbr[A]Wǒ yīzhí zài [D]xúnmìzhe [G]tābr[G]Yòuguòle shí niánbr[D]Wǒ yīzhí zài xúnzhǎobr[C]Méiyǒu zhǎodào [D]xīnshàngrén[G]br[C]Dàochù dōu shì gāolóu dàshàbr[Bm]Dàochù dōu shì fēijī qìchēbr[A]Yā de wǒ chuǎn [D]bùguò qì [G]br br[C]Xiànzài gāi rúhé shì hǎo[Bm]br[C]Zhè shìjiè biàn[D]huà tài kuàile[G]br[C]Wǒ méiyǒu cúnkuǎn yě méiyǒu yángfáng[Bm]br[A]Shēnghuó wǒguò de jǐnzhāng[D]br br[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang nǐ [D]bùyào jùjué wǒbr[C]Měitiān dūhuì [D]bǎ gē gěi nǐ [G]chàngbr[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang nǐ [D]yīdìng děngzhe wǒbrWǒ [C]qí chē dài nǐ [D]qù huán yóu [G]shìjièbr br[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang nǐ [D]kuài lái wǒ shēn pángbrWǒ de [C]jiānbǎng jiù[D]shì nǐ de [G]yīkàobr[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang suī[D]rán wǒ méiyǒu chē fángbr[C]Wǒ huì bǎ wǒ de [D]yīqiè dōu [G]gěi nǐbr br[C]Xiànzài gāi rúhé shì hǎo[Bm]br[C]Zhè shìjiè biàn[D]huà tài kuàile[G]br[C]Wǒ méiyǒu cúnkuǎn yě méiyǒu yángfáng[Bm]br[A]Shēnghuó wǒguò de jǐnzhāng[D]br br[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang nǐ [D]bùyào jùjué wǒbr[C]Měitiān dūhuì [D]bǎ gē gěi nǐ [G]chàngbr[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang nǐ [D]yīdìng děngzhe wǒbrWǒ [C]qí chē dài nǐ [D]qù huán yóu [G]shìjièbr br[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang nǐ [D]kuài lái wǒ shēn pángbrWǒ de [C]jiānbǎng jiù[D]shì nǐ de [G]yīkàobr[G]Xīn'ài de gūniang suī[D]rán wǒ méiyǒu chē fángbr[C]Wǒ huì bǎ wǒ de [D]yīqiè dōu [G]gěi nǐbr brZhè [G]sānshí duō nián láibr[D]Wǒ jiānchí zài chànggēbr[C]Chànggē gěi wǒ de [D]xīnshàngrén [G]tīng abr[C]Zhège xīnshàngrénbr[Bm]Hái bù zhīdào zài nǎlǐbr[Am]Gǎnjué míngtiān [D]jiù huì [G]chūxiàn p If you want to learn Chu Tam Thư Tình Của Chàng Ca Sĩ guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Thư Tình Của Chàng Ca Sĩ. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
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